Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 45

volume Number : 12
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 45

volume Number 12، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 45

Methods of Constructing Concepts and Images in Ahmad Azizi Poetry

Samireh Hemmati


After the Islamic Revolution, the front concepts and religion values were developed in the community. Therefore, the muslim and undertaked poets poid attention to reflecting the divine verses and Islamic themes in their poetriss more than the post. Poets like shahriar, Azizi, Safarzadeh and mosavi Garmarodi are among them. In these poets, compositions that were composed in connection with the Islamic Republic and the sacred defense some themes are more lust red for example, Quran stories, moral and religious teachings, Jihad, martyrdom, karbala movement and mahdism.
Like the other poets of the revolution age, Azizi is not only a poet but also a teacher an understand poet allows himself great duties and mission Azizi’s biggest mission is to educate a human in a composition language His too much attention to the composition of new compounds in his masnavies increases to his poetries mobility and frechness (Torabi 2005: 193), the compositions which have been made through inspiring from the valuable verses of Quran karim and Islamic themes.
This study investigates the form and content of the pictures in Azizi’s composition the scope of this study is the inductive investigation of some compositions of Azizi and because no independent poetry in the imagery has been composed in his city up to now, this study can be considered in order to review the literary images in Azizi’s poetry

Theme , Imagery , Azizi Ahmad , Religious Poetry , Revolution Poetry

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